Bona Mansio Island

Bona Mansio Island is the ice-covered island extending 750 m in east–west direction and 635 m in south–north direction lying in Papazov Passage, Biscoe Islands. The island is separated from the west coast of Krogh Island by a 700 m long passage narrowing to 50 m at points. Its surface area is 30 ha. The feature was formed as a result of the retreat of Krogh Island's ice cap around the turn of 21st century.
The island is named after the ancient Roman road station of Bona Mansio in Southern Bulgaria.


Bona Mansio Island is located at, which is 90 m east-southeast of St. Christopher Island, 2.55 km southeast of Talbott Point on DuBois Island and 2.55 km southwest of Edholm Point on Krogh Island.
