Bondy's theorem

In mathematics, Bondy's theorem is a bound on the number of elements needed to distinguish the sets in a family of sets from each other. It belongs to the field of combinatorics, and is named after John Adrian Bondy, who published it in 1972.


The theorem is as follows:
In other words, if we have a 0-1 matrix with n rows and n columns such that each row is distinct, we can remove one column such that the rows of the resulting n × matrix are distinct.


Consider the 4 × 4 matrix
where all rows are pairwise distinct. If we delete, for example, the first column, the resulting matrix
no longer has this property: the first row is identical to the second row. Nevertheless, by Bondy's theorem we know that we can always find a column that can be deleted without introducing any identical rows. In this case, we can delete the third column: all rows of the 3 × 4 matrix
are distinct. Another possibility would have been deleting the fourth column.

Learning theory application

From the perspective of computational learning theory, Bondy's theorem can be rephrased as follows:
This implies that every finite concept class C has its teaching dimension bounded by |C| − 1.