Borg Mountain

Borg Mountain is a large, flattish, ice-topped mountain with many exposed rock cliffs, standing at the northern end of Borg Massif in Queen Maud Land. Borg Mountain and its features were was mapped and named by Norwegian cartographers from surveys and air photos by the Norwegian–British–Swedish Antarctic Expedition. The original name Borga means "the castle".

Constituent and nearby features

Høgskotet Spur is a high rock spur on the north side of Borg Mountain. Borghallet, a gently sloping plain, lies north of the mountain.
Rindebotnen Cirque is a cirque indenting its northeast wall. Kvasstind Peak is a sub-peak on the northeast part of Borg Mountain. Slalåma Slope is a steep ice slope on the northeast side of the mountain.
Spiret Peak is a sub-peak in the northwest part of Borg Mountain. Blåisen Valley is a small cirque-like valley on the west side of the mountain, north of Borggarden Valley. Framskotet Spur forms the western extremity of Borg Mountain. to the west of the mountain is Framryggen Ridge.