Bosc pear

The Beurre Bosc or Bosc is a cultivar of the European pear from France or Belgium originally. Also known as the Kaiser, it is grown in Europe, Australia, British Columbia and Ontario, Canada, and the northwestern U.S. states of California, Washington, and Oregon.
The Beurre Bosc was cultivated first in France. The name Bosc is given after a French horticulturist named Louis Bosc.
Characteristic features are a long tapering neck and russet skin. Famous for its warm cinnamon color, the Bosc pear is often used in drawings, paintings, and photography due to its shape. Its white flesh is denser, crisper and smoother than that of the 'Williams' or 'D'Anjou' pear. It is called the "aristocrat of pears". It is suitable to be used in poaching.


The origin of Bosc pears is unclear, whether it is Belgium or France. The first time that Bosc Pears were seen was in the early 1800s.


The season of Bosc pears starts in Autumn, all the way through Spring.

Taste and ripeness

Bosc pears are characterised for their hard flesh and brown skin. Moreover, at one point in their ripeness cycle they tend to be juicy, crunchy and sweet.
Once they have reached their state of full ripeness the flavour of Bosc pears tends to be sweeter, while the texture becomes softer and wrinkly. One aspect that shows when Bosc pears are totally ripened can be found in the top part of the fruit, when its skin becomes wrinkly.
Extra fancy and fancy grade of bosc pear in Canada should be at least 54 mm in diameter. They should be smooth, clean and well formed.


Most pears are a good source of fibre. A medium size pear can provide six grams of fibre. Pears are also a source of vitamin C and have only 100 calories per serving. Moreover, pears are sodium free, fat free and cholesterol free.


Since Bosc pears have a firm and solid flesh, they can be used in a variety of ways such as baking, broiling and poaching. They can maintain their form throughout the process making them a resilient fruit to use.