Botaniska Notiser

Botaniska Notiser was a Swedish scientific periodical concerning botany, issued in Lund, by Societate botanica Lundensi or . It was published from 1839 to 1980, when it fused with Botanisk Tidsskrift, Friesia and Norwegian Journal of Botany to form the Nordic Journal of Botany. In 2004, the journal reappeared as a regional journal for botany in south Sweden.
from Botaniska notiser page 72 in 1921
Monographs were published in a parallel series,
Botaniska Notiser Supplement. This series was fused in 1980 with Dansk Botanisk Arkiv under the name Opera Botanica, which since then has been the monograph series of the Nordic Journal of Botany''.


'' from 'Botaniska notiser' in 1872