Boy Band (TV series)

Boy Band is an American & Canadian television music competition series that premiered on June 22, 2017 on ABC & CTV. The 10-episode first season features young male vocalists competing to become a member of a new five-piece boy band. The final five boys who form the boy band receive a recording contract with Hollywood Records and perform the band's debut single during the finale. On August 24, 2017, it was announced on the live show that Brady Tutton, Chance Perez, Drew Ramos, Sergio Calderon, and Michael Conor were the new members of the boy band, In Real Life. They performed for the very first time their first single, "Eyes Closed".
Rita Ora hosted the first series, with the Backstreet Boys' Nick Carter, the Spice Girls' Emma Bunton and Timbaland serving as the "architects" who helped guide the contestants throughout the series.


ABC released the list of the 30 contestants on June 9, 2017.
17Redwood City, CaliforniaWinners
18Cleveland, OhioWinners
19Seal Beach, CaliforniaWinners
19Bronx, New YorkWinners
16Shorewood, WisconsinWinners
16Hawthorne, CaliforniaEliminated Ep. 10
18East Los Angeles, CaliforniaEliminated Ep. 10
17Nashville, TennesseeEliminated Ep. 10
18Springfield, IllinoisEliminated Ep. 8
20Yorba Linda, CaliforniaEliminated Ep. 7
15Las Vegas, NevadaEliminated Ep. 7
17Greenwood, IndianaEliminated Ep. 6
19Willingboro, New JerseyEliminated Ep. 6
15Memphis, TennesseeEliminated Ep. 5
19Marble Falls, TexasEliminated Ep. 4
Gavin Becker18Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaEliminated Ep. 3
Jon Klaasen19Greenwood, IndianaEliminated Ep. 2
22Columbia, South CarolinaEliminated Ep. 1
18Monterrey, MexicoEliminated Ep. 1
16Las Vegas, NevadaEliminated Ep. 1
18Las Vegas, NevadaEliminated Ep. 1
19Thousand Oaks, CaliforniaEliminated Ep. 1
22Fort Lauderdale, FloridaEliminated Ep. 1
15Sarasota, FloridaEliminated Ep. 1
18Hartsville, South CarolinaEliminated Ep. 1
17Plano, TexasEliminated Ep. 1
24Kansas City, MissouriEliminated Ep. 1
17Malibu, CaliforniaEliminated Ep. 1
21Monrovia, LiberiaEliminated Ep. 1
20Cincinnati, OhioEliminated Ep. 1

Progress chart


Contestants who Appeared on Other Shows