Boy Meets Girl (1984 film)

Boy Meets Girl is a 1984 French drama film, written and directed by Leos Carax, starring Denis Lavant and Mireille Perrier. It was Carax's first feature film. The plot follows the relationship between an aspiring filmmaker, who has just been left by his lover, and a suicidal young woman, who is also reeling from a failed romance.


A depressed, aspiring filmmaker falls in love with a suicidal young woman. Both have been recently dumped by their lovers and neither is coping very well. They meet via an apartment block intercom system. Later the filmmaker sees her by the Seine. They finally meet in person at an elegant party and begin a long, strange conversation over a kitchen table. During the course of their talking, the two find themselves unable to resist their mutual neediness and this leads them to tragedy.


The film premiered at the 1984 International Critics' Week, an independent parallel section to the Cannes Film Festival. It was released in France on 21 November 1984. Vincent Canby reviewed the film for The New York Times: "Mr. Carax is 24, but Boy Meets Girl looks like the work of a talented 18-year-old, someone who still spends more time inside the Cinematheque Francaise than outside it.... In Boy Meets Girl, one recognizes a bit of Jean-Luc Godard here, something of Francois Truffaut there, and every now and then one hears what may be the faint, original voice of Mr. Carax trying to make himself heard around and through the images of others." Canby added however that "Boy Meets Girl has been handsomely photographed in black-and-white images that look as velvety smooth as fudge sauce atop vanilla ice cream. The performances are perfectly decent -Miss Perrier is especially good in a long Godardian monologue. What's still missing is the film maker's own idiosyncratic personality, which, if it exists, could surface in Mr. Carax's next film." The film had a total of 131,042 admissions in France.