Boyan (given name)

Boyan is a Slavic male given name. The short form of the name Boyan used in Bulgaria is Bobi or Bobby. Its female equivalent is Boyana.
In present days it is used as a given name in Bulgaria written as Boyan, and also in all countries of former Yugoslavia, mainly written as Bojan /.
The name is recorded in historical sources among the Bulgarians, Serbs, Macedonians, Czechs, Poles, and Russians.


There is some discussion as to where the name Boyan comes from. It is generally accepted that it is derived from the word бой-, which means "battle", and the suffix -ан which is common in Bulgarian and Slavic names. Together, Boyan means "warrior" or "fighter".
It is also considered as a possibility from the Turkic-Mongol word "Bayan" meaning rich, wealth, of the khagan of Avars Bayan I, and of the Bulgars Batbayan ; from the name of Bohemia, the area of modern Czech Republic, in Serbian as Bojka, where lived the Celtic tribe Boii; from the Celtic Bryan or Brian which shares spelling and meaning similarity. Therefore, according to the Celtic origin of the name Bryan or Brian, the Bulgarian and Slavic name Boyan or Bojan could have the meaning "strong" or "noble".

Notable Boyans