Brackenthwaite, Westward Parish, Cumbria

Brackenthwaite is a settlement situated some south-east of the town of Wigton in the English county of Cumbria. It should not be confused with the identically named settlement of Brackenthwaite that is situated some south of Cockermouth in the same county.
For administrative purposes, Brackenthwaite lies within the civil parish of Westward, the district of Allerdale, and the county of Cumbria. It is within the Penrith and The Border constituency of the United Kingdom Parliament, and the North West England constituency of the European Parliament.


Bracanethuaite 12th Century. Old Norse brakni 'bush' and thveit 'assart' like :dk:Bregentved|Bregentved and Bracquetuit.