Brahma muhurt is a period one and a half hours before sunrise—or more precisely, 1 hour and 36 minutes before sunrise. Literally meaning "The Creator's Hour", it is traditionally the penultimate phase or muhurtaof the night and is considered an auspicious time for all practices of yoga and most appropriate for meditation, worship or any other religious practice. Spiritual activities performed early in the morning have a greater effect than in any other part of the day. Each muhurta lasts 48 minutes, and therefore the Brahma muhurta begins 1 hour and 36 minutes before sunrise, and ends 48 minutes before sunrise. The time of sunrise varies each day, according to geographic location and time of year, thus the time of the Brahma muhurta also varies. For example, if sunrise is at 6am, the brahma muhurta begins at 4:24am. If sunrise is at 7am, brahma muhurta begins at 5:24am, and so on.
In Yoga
stated "Think of God. If not God, the sun, if not the sun, your parents." Krishnamacharya identified himself with Vaishnavism, or the worship of Vishnu, as did Annanta, under the guidance of Shiva, who is the first yogi. A modern Yogi would then show reverence to the sun. In the Kali Yuga, divinity can still be reached through yoga, but because of the agitated mind associated with the Yuga, Yoga must be practiced through Kriya, based on asana. It is therefore common for modern yogis whose lineage can be traced to Krishnamacharya to practice the Suryanamaskara, or sun salutation, in the morning. The Suryanamaskara can be used in ritual cleansing practice that uses the mind states associated with 'Vata' in Ayurveda medicine. These mind states are mentioned in Patanjali's Yoga sutras These qualities are nearer to the divine, as they pertain to stillness of the mind, which allows for the spirit to shine. It is because of the inherently stiller state of mind in Brahmamuhurtha, that meditative states can be more easily achieved.
Ayurveda states that there are three doshas found in the human physical body, called Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The increase or decrease of these three doshas is related to the cycles of time. From sunrise until 10:00am is the time of Kapha; from 10:00am until 2:00pm is Pitta time; and from 2:00pm until sunset is the time of Vata. The evening follows a similar pattern, from 6:00pm until 10:00pm is the time of Kapha, from 10:00pm until 2:00am is the time of Pitta, and from 2:00am until 6:00am is Vata time. Brahmamuhurtha occurs during the Vata phase of the morning, between 2:00am and 6:00am, and Yoga masters state that the best time to meditate is one and a half hours before dawn, because the mind is inherently still at that time, enabling one to achieve a deeper meditative state.