Breeders is an American-British parental comedy television series created by Martin Freeman, Chris Addison and Simon Blackwell. The series follows two parents who struggle with parenthood and is partially based on Freeman's own experience as a parent. Freeman also plays the lead role in the series. The series premiered on March 2, 2020, on the Americancable networkFX, and on the British network Sky One on March 12, 2020. On May 18, 2020, the series was renewed for a second season.
Martin Freeman as Paul Worsley, a father of two and Ally's partner
Daisy Haggard as Ally, a mother of two and Paul's partner
George Wakeman as Luke, Paul and Ally's son
Jayda Eyles as Ava, Paul and Ally's daughter
Michael McKean as Michael, Ally's estranged father
Stella Gonet as Leah, Ally's mother
Joanna Bacon as Jackie, Paul's mother
Alun Armstrong as Jim, Paul's father
Patrick Baladi as Darren, Paul and Ally's friend
Tim Steed as Carl, Paul and Ally's next-door neighbour
On March 7, 2018, it was announced that Avalon Television was developing a comedy series created by Martin Freeman. The series is a co-production between the BBC and FX, similar to the drama seriesTaboo. A pilot was already filmed at the time of the announcement. On October 14, 2018, it was announced that FX and Sky had commissioned the series with ten half-hour episodes, with a series debut in 2020. On January 20, 2020, FX announced that the series would premiere on March 2, 2020. On May 18, 2020, the series was renewed for a second season.
Alongside the series announcement, it was announced that Freeman would star in the series. Furthermore, Daisy Haggard and Michael Gambon were also cast in the series. However, in April 2019, it was reported that Gambon left the series as he was having trouble memorizing his lines due to memory loss issues.
The series premiered on March 2, 2020 on FX. The series premiere coincided with the launch of FX on Hulu and therefore the series became the first FX series with episodes available on Hulu by the next day. In Bulgaria and Poland, the series airs on HBO Europe. The series is broadcast in Australia on Foxtel, via its broadcast networkFOX One and on demand services.