Breitenbach (Echaz)

The Breitenbach in baden-württembergische Landkreis Reutlingen is a southern and orographic left tributary of the Echaz, which is about 8,9 km long, southern and left tributary of the Echaz, which is located in Reutlinger. district Betzingen.



At the beginning, the Breitenbach, which mainly flows northwards, flows through the Selchen valley and remains in the forest until it crosses the Landesstraße 383 above Reutlingen after about half of its course. Then the brook, now lined by trees and bushes, runs through agricultural land at a westerly distance from the centre of Reutlingen. After that it crosses under the Bundesstraße 28 and the railway line Plochingen-Tübingen in Reutlingen.


The Breitenbach estuary, on its last meters flowing to the northwest, in the southern part of the Reutlingen district Betzingen at the cemetery In der Au into the Neckar inflow Echaz coming from the east-southeast.

Tributaries and still waters

To the tributaries of the Breitebach and the still waters at and near the stream belong - ordered from the source to the estuary (waters of higher order correspondingly indented under their receiving water; lengths and areas of waters according to the geodata viewer