Brenti Bat Pora

Brenti Bat Pora village is located in Anantnag Tehsil of Anantnag district in Jammu and Kashmir, India.


According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Brenti Bat Pora village is 003700. Brenti Bat Pora village is located in Anantnag Tehsil of Anantnag district in Jammu and Kashmir, India. It is situated 7 km away from Anantnag, which is both district and sub-district headquarter of Brenti Bat Pora village.
The total area of the village is 523.7 hectares. Brenti Bat Pora has a total population of 5,988 people. There are about 885 houses in Brenti Bat Pora village. Achabal is nearest town to Brenti Bat Pora which is approximately 3 km away.


By rail

& Anantnag Railway Station are the very near by railway stations to Brenti Bat Pora. However ever Jammu Tawi Railway Station is major railway station 243 km near to Brenti Bat Pora.