Brian Ellard

Brian Joseph Ellard, M.A., Ph.D., is a Canadian educator, musicologist, arranger, and conductor.

Early life and education

Ellard earned a PhD from Eastman's School of Music.


In 1967, Ellard was the director of the
Ellard was the chairman of the Music Department at the University of Moncton. In 1978 he served a one year appointment as the Dean university's Faculty of Arts.
In 1979 Ellard was chosen to head the Music Department at the Université de Sherbrooke. In 1981 he founded Le Chœur symphonique de Sherbrooke. and became the conductor of the Sherbrooke Symphony orchestra. His time at Sherbrooke was short; the music program was never properly funded, and in 1982 Ellard gave up his efforts to organize the program and resigned.
IFrom 1983 to 1988 Ellard headed the Music Department at Mount Allison University. He was the conductor of the Prince Edward Island Symphony Orchestra.