Bric Ghinivert

Bric Ghinivert or Eiminàl is a mountain of the Cottian Alps located in Italy.


The mountain is the highest elevation of the water divide between Val Troncea and Valle Germanasca. Following northwards the ridge Colle del Beth divides Bric Ghinivert from Bric di Mezzogiorno, while going South Colle di Ghinivert separates it from Monte Peolioso. Administratively the mountain is on the border between Pragelato and Massello municipalities. On Bric Ghinivert top stands a summit cross.

SOIUSA classification

According to SOIUSA the mountain can be classified in the following way:
The western face of the mountain belongs to the Parco naturale Val Troncea.

Access to the summit

Easy routes to Bric Ghinivert start either from Val Troncea or from Val Germanasca; in both cases they does not require alpinistic skills but some scrambling. In the Italian scale of hiking difficulty is rated EE. A mountain hut managed by the nature Park is available for hikers on Colle del Beth previous arrangements with the park staff.


Around the mountain are still identifiable remains of ancient copper mines and the connected miner's village. Aexplanatory boards created by the Nature Park outline the site history.