Bric del Dente

Bric del Dente is a 1107 metres high mountain of the Apennines located in the Italian region of Liguria.


Bric in Ligurian means hill or mountain, while dente in Itailan means tooth.


The mountain stands on the Adriatic / Ligurian drainage divide between Passo del Faiallo and Passo del Turchino. It belongs to the province of Genoa, in Liguria. Its summit is a tripoint at which the valleys of Cerusa, Orba and Stura di Ovada meet. Sella Bernè divides Bric del Dente from the neighbouring Monte Giallo, while a saddle at 931 m divides it from Monte Reixa. The top of the mountain is marked by a memorial pillar overlooked by a small summit cross.


Bric del Dente sides are generally rocky and steep save the south-western one, gentler and grassier.
Since 1985 the mountain belongs to the Parco naturale regionale del Beigua.

Access to the summit

The mountain is easily accessible by signposted tracks departing from Sella Bernè, Passo del Faiallo or Masone.
The Alta Via dei Monti Liguri, a long-distance trail from Ventimiglia to Bolano, passes very close to the mountain's summit.

Mountain huts