Brigitte Voit

Brigitte Voit, Prof. Dr. is a German chemist and professor of chemistry. She is the head of the chair Organic Chemistry of Polymers at the Department of Chemistry of the TU Dresden and leader of the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry at the Leibniz Institute of Polymer Research in Dresden. She also is the Scientific Director of the IPF Dresden.

Academic career

Voit studied chemistry at the University of Bayreuth and was awarded her PhD with distinctions in 1990. During her PhD, she was a visiting researcher at the University of Arizona. After a postdoctoral stay at the Eastman Kodak research laboratories in Rochester, NY, USA, she received her habilitation from the Technical University of Munich in 1996. In 1997 she accepted a full professorship at the TU Dresden, and simultaneously the position as head of the Institute Macromolecular Chemistry at the Leibniz-Institute of Polymer Research Dresden. Since 2002, she also heads the IPF Dresden as a Managing Director/Chief Scientific Officer.
She is a principal investigator in two so-called Clusters of Excellence, the "Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden" and the "Center for Advancing Electronics Dresden", which were distinguished by the German Universities Excellence Initiative. Since 2011, she acts as a speaker of Section D of the Leibniz Association and is a member of the Leibniz board.
Voit is a member of the chemistry review board of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and of the European Research Council Evaluation Panel for Starting Grants. She is a board member of several chemistry related scientific journals, for example Angewandte Chemie, and part of the executive advisory board of all macromolecular journals of Wiley
Also, Brigitte Voit is a board member of a number of foundations, such as the Georg-Manecke foundation of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker and the Karl Heinz Beckurts foundation, and belongs to the board of trustees of the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing and the DECHEMA, the German Society for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology.


Brigitte Voit research field comprises different areas of polymer related science. She works on dendrimers and hyperbranched polymers, optical and thermo-sensitive polymer materials, graft and block copolymers, nanostructure formation via controlled polymer synthesis and efficient polymer analogous reactions. She is also interested in responsive and bioactive polymers and hydrogels, and worked on polymers for microelectronics and organic electronics.


Voit has published more than 450 articles in peer-reviewed international scientific journals which were cited more than 10000 times, and holds over 35 patents and patent applications.