British Armed Forces Federation

The British Armed Forces Federation is an independent non-statutory professional staff association for members of the British Armed Forces. It is politically non-partisan. Founded in late 2006 as a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, BAFF has so far no full-time staff and no formal regional network. It operates collaboratively, using the Internet as the primary means of communication amongst its members worldwide. Membership is open to anyone who is serving or has served in the Royal Navy/Royal Marines, British Army, or Royal Air Force, irrespective of rank or type of engagement.

Status and governance

As it exists primarily for the benefit of the members of a profession, BAFF is not a registered charity. The Steering Group which took BAFF to formation stated that the Federation would "not seek to supplant the role of any existing charity or other agency involved in service welfare."
Neither is BAFF a trade union. The Steering Group seemed at pains to stress that the organisation would not be a trade union. In any case, although Regular service personnel are permitted by Queen's Regulations to join civilian trade unions or professional associations in order to enhance their trade skills and professional knowledge and as an aid to resettlement, armed forces personnel are specifically excluded from the definition of "workers" for the purposes of British trade union legislation. A body set up to represent such personnel cannot, therefore, register as a trade union under the Trade Union and Labour Relations Act 1992.
BAFF is registered with the Information Commissioner as a data controller, under its Company name BAFF Ltd and the operating name "British Armed Forces Federation". BAFF is regulated by the UK Ministry of Justice in respect of regulated claims management activities.
BAFF is managed by an elected Executive Council of 15 members.

Services and campaigns

According to statements on the BAFF website, the current offering of services to members of the Federation includes:
According to statements on its website, the BAFF Constitution was drawn up in consultation with some fifty serving personnel from all three branches of HM Forces. A "specifically British solution for the British armed forces", BAFF claims not to be modelled on any other single organisation, but that its Steering Group took into account a wide range of organisations representing operational public service staff, including:
Military staff associations may be configured to represent
In accordance with the principle "All of one company", BAFF recruits from all such categories, but with a reduced subscription for junior serving personnel.

English language examples of military staff association

Dates of establishment are shown in brackets.
BAFF liaises with EUROMIL, the European Organisation of Military Associations, but is not formally affiliated to that organisation. BAFF also has informal bilateral contacts with a number of EUROMIL-affiliated associations. As a member of a EUROMIL observer delegation, a BAFF representative has been participating in a Council of Europe working group on Human Rights of Members of the Armed Forces.

Criticisms and controversies

In the course of evidence to a House of Commons Committee in February 2006 the Chief of Defence Staff of the time, General Sir Michael Walker argued that

If we had a set of Armed Services that reacted to every whim of every influential group in it, we would get nowhere in delivering military capability for this country, so I believe that the chain of command must do that business. The Armed Forces Pay Review Body does look after the conditions and pay concerns and we would certainly lose the AFPRB and I am not sure we would get as much attention from the Government in terms of rewarding people.

Sir Michael went on to give the example of an unspecified national contingent which, while he was in command in Bosnia, had
laid down its arms because, it said, the pay deal was not right, so they put their arms down. Do you really see British Armed Services doing that? That is the sort of trouble you get into when there is a representative body who are fighting back at home, your soldiers are at the front and they do not appear to be achieving.

Speaking in an Armed Forces debate in the House of Lords in June 2006, Field Marshal Lord Inge acknowledged a "growing demand for a military federation or union", but went on to pose the rhetorical question "whether those who have federations and unions have ever won".
A report published in November 2007 by the British think tank Demos commented that
Perhaps the most distinctive development over the last decade has been the launch of the British Armed Forces Federation as an independent campaigning professional association for serving and retired service personnel... The response of senior commanders to the creation of BAFF and their criticism set out for the House of Commons Select Committee has been mixed. While some senior commanders have argued that any independent organisation designed to ‘fight for the rights’ of British troops is completely unnecessary and threatens a dangerous breakdown of military discipline, others, such as the late Lord Garden, a former RAF Air Marshal..., have been ‘surprised talking to retired senior military people who are prepared to think about it, saying there might be a case for it’.
