Broadmoor Baptist Church

Broadmoor Baptist Church is a Southern Baptist church located in Memphis, Tennessee. It is one of more than 42,000 churches that are affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention.


In the latter part of 1959, a group met together to form a fellowship that was later to become a church. On March 13, 1960, the Broadmoor Chapel became the Broadmoor Baptist Church, a cooperating church with the Shelby Baptist Association, the Tennessee Baptist Convention, and the Southern Baptist Convention.
Having purchased a dairy barn at the present site, along with of land, the church constructed a series of buildings over several years to accommodate the growth. Dr. Ira Cole was the first pastor, serving from 1959 until 1972. Broadmoor Baptist Church now occupies nearly of land, with educational space for 1200 and a worship center seating 3000.
Worship services are held each Sunday morning at 9:00 am followed by Connect Group Bible Studies. Small group Bible Study 6:00 pm Sundays. Fellowship meal Wednesday nights at 5:15 pm followed by Bible study. Awana Children's ministry Wednesdays at 5:45 - 7:15 pm.
