Broken (2014 film)

Broken is a 2014 South Korean action thriller film written and directed by Lee Jeong-ho. The film stars Jung Jae-young and Lee Sung-min in the lead roles. The narrative revolves around a father who becomes a fugitive as he hunts down the two men responsible for his daughter's rape and murder.
It is adapted from Keigo Higashino's 2004 novel The Hovering Blade. This is the third South Korean film adapted from the Japanese novelist's work, after White Night and Perfect Number.


Widower Lee Sang-hyeon lives a quiet life with his 15-year-old daughter Su-jin. But one day she is abducted and raped, and her corpse is found at a derelict public bathhouse. Sang-hyeon is left helpless in the face of his daughter's death, with nothing left to cling on to but his feelings of anger and despair. The investigation into his daughter's death is progressing slowly, so restless and unable to sit quiet any longer, he decides to take matters into his own hands. Sang-hyeon receives an anonymous text message with information on the culprit, including an address where the sender claims Sang-hyeon would find electronic evidence of the crime; when he gets there, he sees a man, Kim Cheol-yong laughing as he watches a video showing Su-jin's rape and murder. Sang-hyeon accidentally kills Cheol-yong in a fit of rage, and upon learning that Cheol-yong had an accomplice, becomes hellbent on finding the second rapist/murderer. Upon examining Cheol-yong's murder scene, Jang Eok-gwan, the detective who leads the investigation into Su-jin's murder, realizes that Sang-hyeon was the killer and sets out on his trail.


Broken opened in second place at the box office behind , attracting 458,000 admissions and from 592 screens on its first four days.