Brokind Castle

Brokind Castle is situated south of Linköping, in the province of Östergötland, Sweden.
Brokind was reportedly originally a village by the name Broo before becoming an estate, which belonged to the House of Bjelbo during the Middle Ages. It belonged to Bo Jonsson in the 14th-century, and then the Natt och Dag family until 1706. Between 1562 and 1586, it was managed by the writer Margareta Grip. From 1706 it has been owned by the Falkenberg family.
Brokind is known for the legend of Barbro Eriksdotter, who managed the estate between 1524 and 1553, and whose ghost is famously said to haunt the castle.
Brokind is also known for its library and archives.
Brokind Castle was originally a fortress with a tower. The present building was built in 1727–1731. Its exterior was changed in 1838.