Brunei National Solidarity Party

Brunei National Solidarity Party is a political party in Brunei. Although legally registered as a political party in Brunei, it has not been able to gain electoral representation as legislative elections have not been held in Brunei since 1962.
The party was registered in 1986 as the first legal political party since independence but was banned in 1988. In 1995, formal authorisation was given to hold a convention and Abdul Latif Chuchu, the former secretary-general of the Brunei National Democratic Party, was elected as its president. Since 2002, Dr Hj Mohd Hatta Hj Zainal Abidin was elected the party president.
The objectives of the party include advocating a representative government chosen by the citizens, freedom of speech and the fair and equitable distribution of wealth. In early 2006, the party's president declared that its objectives are consistent with Brunei's national philosophy of Malay Islamic Monarchy.