Brunt Ice Shelf

The Brunt Ice Shelf borders the Antarctic coast of Coats Land between Dawson-Lambton Glacier and Stancomb-Wills Glacier Tongue. It was named by the UK Antarctic Place-names Committee after David Brunt, British meteorologist, Physical Secretary of the Royal Society, 1948–57, who was responsible for the initiation of the Royal Society Expedition to this ice shelf in 1955.
It was the location of the base of the Royal Society Expedition, 1955–59 which was taken over as the British Halley Research Station.
The Brunt Icefalls extend along Caird Coast for about, where the steep ice-covered coast descends to Brunt Ice Shelf. The icefalls were discovered November 5, 1967, in the course of a United States Navy Squadron VXE-6 flight over the coast in LC-130 aircraft, and was plotted by the United States Geological Survey from air photos obtained at that time. It was named by the Advisory Committee on Antarctic Names in association with the Brunt Ice Shelf.
In February 2019, the ice shelf appeared unstable.

Corrientes Refuge

Refuge Corrientes is an Antarctic refuge located on the Brunt Ice Shelf, in the Caird Coast of the Weddell Sea, in the eastern part of the Coats Land. The refuge, administered by the Argentine Army, was inaugurated on January 10, 1961 and depends on the Belgrano II Base; it is located close to the Halley Research Station.