
Bu-Ba-Bu is a literary performance group founded on April 17, 1985 in Lviv by three Ukrainian writers Yuri Andrukhovych, Viktor Neborak, and Oleksandr Irvanets. The group was founded in April 1985 in Lviv. The group's three syllables stand for "burlesque, balagan, and buffonada". The idea behind the groups formation was in order to present a carnival like interpretation of events in Ukraine.
The first public evening of Bu-Ba-Bu took place in late 1987 in Kyiv. The period of the most active activity of Bu-Ba-Bu was 1987-1991.
The apotheosis of Bu-Ba-Bu was the Vyvykh-92 festival in 1992. The brightest part of the festival were four performances of 1-4 October 1992 poetry opera Chrysler Imperial by Bu-Ba-Bu.
In 1995, the first joint book of bubabists Bu-Ba-Bu. T.v.o.ry was printed in the publishing house "Kamenyar".
In 1996, the Chrysler Imperial print project effectively ended the "dynamic period" of Bu-Ba-Bu's existence.

Bu-Ba-Bu Academy

Bu-Ba-Bu Academy unites Bu-Ba-Bu members and poets awarded theBu-Ba-Bu Award for "Best Poem of the Year":