Bulls & Bears
Bulls & Bears is an American business analysis program airing on the Fox Business Network. The show was originally hosted by Fox News Channel senior business correspondent Brenda Buttner until her 2016 cancer diagnosis that would take her life in February 2017. Dagen McDowell then hosted the show until the series' initial cancellation. When the program returned to the air in October 2018, it was hosted by David Asman.
Bulls & Bears features a main cast of panelists, and adds 2–3 additional guests each show from the political and economic spectrum.
In December 2017, it was announced that the Cost of Freedom block will be replaced by a new two-hour show, Cavuto Live, hosted by Neil Cavuto, beginning on January 20, 2018.
On September 18, 2018, Fox Business Network announced that Bulls & Bears will return to air on the channel being hosted by David Asman starting on October 15.Regular panelists