Bunsen Is a Beast
Bunsen Is a Beast is a 2017–2018 American animated television series created by Butch Hartman for Nickelodeon. It revolves around a small eccentric monster named Bunsen who begins attending a middle school that previously only admitted humans. In spite of prejudice against beasts, Bunsen befriends a human boy named Mikey Munroe and his homeschooled companion, Darcy. Together, Bunsen and his friends attempt to navigate through school life while outsmarting a student named Amanda who wants to rid society of Bunsen's kind.
The show is based on a drawing of a monster and a boy that Hartman created in 2009. He originally considered writing a picture book featuring the characters, but decided against going forward with the idea until an executive from Nickelodeon saw the drawing and encouraged him to develop the concept into a television program. Prominent themes highlighted in the series include the positive aspects of social integration and the celebration of different cultures. Bunsen Is a Beast was Hartman's fourth and final animated series produced for Nickelodeon before his departure with the network before moving to Sony Pictures Animation to plan any direct-to-video sequels, after The Fairly OddParents, Danny Phantom, and T.U.F.F. Puppy.
The first season, consisting of twenty-six episodes, was ordered by Nickelodeon in December 2015. The series had two runs on two different networks; Nickelodeon from January 16 to November 20, 2017, then Nicktoons from December 18, 2017 to February 10, 2018.
Bunsen Is a Beast centers around a blue monster named Bunsen, the first beast to attend Muckledunk Middle School. Mikey Munroe, his human friend, helps him navigate through school, as he feels the pressure to prove that monsters can coexist peacefully without eating and harming others. Episodes typically focus on Bunsen learning how to complete human tasks and discovering a human tradition. Mikey also learns more about the monster world, meeting new creatures whenever he visits Bunsen's home. However, a girl named Amanda Killman believes Bunsen is dangerous and wants to destroy him so that his kind will suffer from extinction. Bunsen and Mikey must outwit Amanda whenever she comes up with a new scheme, occasionally with the help of their friend, Darcy.Characters
- Bunsen Beast – A beast who becomes friends with Mikey and is the first beast to become a student in a human school. His body is a bit cyan, light blue, and white, with magenta-colored lips, arms, and legs. He is very often seen with a smile. He is very cute and fun-loving. He has two cousins named Charlene, a llama with extra legs, and Bob, an abominable snowman.
- Mikey Morris Munroe – Bunsen's best human friend and guide, who helps him navigate through life in Muckledunk. He attends Flap's class along with Amanda and deals with the troubles that arise between them. He has orange hair. In the original unaired pilot Mikey was voiced by Maile Flanagan
- Amanda Killman – A self-proclaimed blossoming ingénue clad in a red, white, and blue schoolgirl uniform and Bunsen's nemesis. She is constantly scheming to get rid of Bunsen by trying to prove that beasts and humans can't coexist. She speaks with a lateral lisp and wears dental braces. Mikey, who stands in the way of this, has become her enemy, although she has a secret crush on him, as hinted in several episodes where she has made comments on him such as praising his tan and shorts. She likes boys in gym shorts, men in tanks and uniform, and her toys Princess Sassafrass and Queen Elizabear. She has a rich father who controls the school board, and can afford a water tower full of acne cream and bribes for townsfolk. She has a pet kitten named Doctor Revenge, who was given to her by Mikey and Bunsen. She has blonde hair.
- Beverly – Amanda Killman's #1 henchman/second in command and seems to be willing to do anything Amanda commands. She is a preschooler. She, at times, is sometimes smarter than Amanda, sensing danger ahead as Amanda mostly ignores her.
- Darcy – A home-schooled and socially odd friend of Bunsen and Mikey, who occasionally tags along with them on their adventures.
- Wolfie – An anthropomorphic wolf who is also Bunsen's best beast friend and Mikey's second best friend.
- Sophie Sanders – A preening, flamboyant cool girl in Flap's class who speaks in a valley girl accent. Mikey has a crush on her, which might make her Amanda Killman's arch-rival for his affections.
- Mr. Munroe – Mikey's dad.
- Mrs. Munroe – Mikey's mom.
- Bunsen's Mom – An unnamed beast who is Bunsen's mother.
- Bunsen's Dad – An unnamed beast who is Bunsen's father.
- Tooth Fairy – The jolly-happy fairy queen who gives money to children who have lost their teeth.
- Big Mikey – A wild black bear Bunsen meets and names after Mikey.
- Doctor Revenge – A kitten that Bunsen discovers and gives to Amanda Killman.
- Jerk Von Handsome – A Swedish foreign exchange student who used to be Amanda's crush.
- Officer Steve Stevenson – A security guard at Muckledunk Museum. He first appeared in "Fright at the Museum" where Amanda tried to get him to bust Bunsen and Mikey, but failed when Steve saw that they not only didn't steal Uncle Funkle from his exhibit, but they put Aunt Rhoda back. He has braces like Amanda's.
- Malory – A black student in Flap's class.
- Commander Cone – A character who first appeared in "Bunsen Screams for Ice Cream" to help Amanda expel Bunsen from school by tempting him with his ice cream truck, but Mikey keeps Bunsen under control in the end. He reappears in "Astro-Nots", where Bunsen and Mikey see him in MASA and mistake him for a Mastronaut, so he gives them a tour, but accidentally launches them into space. In the end, Cone is no longer an ice cream vendor; he is a MASA Alien Space Defender. As noted several times, he pines for his ex-girlfriend Vanessa to return to him.
- * Liz – Commander Cone's sister who did his laundry for him in her basement.
- Vanessa – Commander Cone's ex-girlfriend. According to Cone, she broke up with him on his birthday, Christmas Eve, after he became an ice cream vendor.
- Bog Beast – A green swamp creature who first appeared in "Unhappy Campers", Amanda mentioning him to Mikey in an attempt to scare him to cure her boredom. In the end, Mikey overcomes his fear of the Bog Beast, and the real deal discovers Amanda in the bog with him, terrifying her.
- Blog Beast – A beast who only terrifies people with his boring posts about what he had for lunch, which usually annoys Bunsen.
- Miss Flap – Bunsen's teacher at Muckledunk Middle School.
- Hugging Chair – Bunsen's chair who first appeared in "Hug It Out'ch", at first it trapped Amanda and wouldn't let her go, but in the end, Bunsen makes Amanda happy, and the chair releases her.
- Anti-Claus – A villain Amanda conspires with.
- Amazing Eric – A magician who attends Flap's class.
A sneak peek of Bunsen Is a Beast was first shown at Comic-Con in 2016. The series has aired on YTV in Canada on June 3, 2017. The series premiered on Israel on June 4, 2017, Nickelodeon in Australia and New Zealand on June 5, 2017. The series premiered on Greece on July 15, 2017 and Nicktoons in the United Kingdom on September 4, 2017.Reception
The show received mixed to positive reviews overall by critics. Robert Lloyd of the Los Angeles Times praised Bunsen Is a Beast in his review, likening it to "an early Hanna-Barbera cartoon with the engine of Tex Avery at his eye-popping extreme" and commending its message about embracing outsiders as "particularly timely."Emily Ashby of Common Sense Media gave the series 3 out of 5 stars; saying that, “This series has an admirable premise that's illustrated by a surprising friendship, but the show's more irritating elements can overshadow its better points.” But added that, “kids will like the show's over-the-top situations and Bunsen's bizarre reactions to them.”
The show currently holds a 4.9/10 on IMDb and a 5.9/10 on TV.com, indicating mixed reviews.