Burn-Up W
Burn-Up W is a 1996 anime OVA directed by Hiroshi Negishi. It was soon followed by a series version called Burn-Up Excess, though it occasionally lacks continuity with the series. The OVA consists of four episodes, chronicling Team Warrior through more missions. Like the original series, there is still a large amount of fan service.Plot
Burn Up W is about the adventures of Team Warrior, a band of highly skilled and completely reckless band of female cops. The team features the loose cannon Rio, trigger-happy Maya and ace hacker Lilica, who get the job done, regardless of the cost to the Tokyo Police Department or the city.; Rio Kinezono
; Maya Jingu
; Lilica Ebett
; Nanvel Candlestick
; Maki Kawasaki
; Yuji Naruo
; Miss RubyEpisodes