Butt-Ugly Martians

Butt-Ugly Martians is a computer-animated television series produced by the British media group Just Entertainment in association with Mike Young Productions and DCDC Limited. It was sold to ITV in 2000 and premiered on CITV in February 2001. There were also three video games based on the series named for PlayStation 2, Butt-Ugly Martians: B.K.M. Battles for Game Boy Advance, and Butt-Ugly Martians: Martian Boot Camp for PC. The franchise also had a toy line by Hasbro.
The plot of the series begins when the Butt-Ugly Martians are forced to invade planets for the evil Emperor Bog, but when they are sent to Earth they become addicted to American culture. Deciding not to hurt Earth, they simply pretend to be occupying the planet for Bog. They are shown around by their Earthling friends: Mike, Cedric, and Angela. The Butt-Ugly Martians continue to hang out on Earth as long as Emperor Bog never finds out.

