C.L.Y.D.E. is a Canadian-French animated television series, made by MoonScoop Group, produced by CINAR Animation and created by CINAR's co founder and former president Ronald A. Weinberg and veteran Canadian-French film producer Jean Cazes. It centres around a super-computer from another planet, C.L.Y.D.E., which is put on trial for developing a virus called a "sense of humour". He is punished by being launched into space, where he enters Earth's atmosphere and crash-lands. His central core is found, intact, by two kids, Matt and Sam. They install C.L.Y.D.E. into an old jukebox, which makes him able to speak to them, and handle objects through telekinesis. Many of Matt, Sam, and C.L.Y.D.E.'s adventures concern secret agents trying to find C.L.Y.D.E., or defeating computer viruses, hackers, or invading aliens.
This cartoon was introduced into China at the end of the 1990s, and was shown on CCTV-7. The series aired in the United States on the Cookie Jar Toons block on This TV from 2009 to 2010.
Technical Details
- French title: CLYDE
- Creation: Ronald A. Weinberg, Jean Cazès
- Director: Chris Randall
- Scenario: Tony Scott, Alan Swayze, Gilles Taurand, Olivier Massart, Patrick Regnard, Tony Scott
- Storyboards: Chris Randall, Tim O'Halloran, Tim Deacon, Vin James
- Sets: Frédéric Bremont, Geneviève Chassaing, Michel Herbinet
- Framing : Jean-Baptiste Cuvelier, Eric Legeard, Paul-Henri Ferrand, Philippe Jallois, Dominique Lajeunie, Christine Landes, Gérard Lemaux, Benoît Le Pennec, Jean-Noël Malinge, Christophe Pouchot, Alain Remy, Jacques Stoll, Mieke Vermaerke, Gilbert Weppe
- Animation: James Appleton, Yannick Barbaud, Corinne Bretel, Claire De Carvalho, Didier Degand, Isabelle Faivre, Jean-Pierre Guzdziol, Philippe Lançon, Franck Marchand, Homa Niknam, Stéphane Piera, Hélène Poldervaart, Frédéric Raducanou, Valérie Schaefer, Jan Van Rijsselberge for Crayon Animation
- Music: Leon Aronson
- *Credits interpreted by Michel Pagliaro
- Production: Ronald A. Weinberg, Christian Davin; Micheline Charest, Jean Cazès
- Production companies: CINAR, France Animation, TF1
- Country of origin: France / Canada
- French language
- Format: Colors - 35 mm - 1.33: 1 - mono sound
- Number of episodes: 26
- Duration: 25 minutes
- Date of first broadcast: France : 1991
French voices
- Jacques Ferrière : CLYDE / the green parasite
- Magali Barney : Samantha / the blue parasite
- Nicole Raucher : Matt
- Jean-Claude Donda : Alberto / the red parasite / secondary characters
- Michèle Bardollet : Gaby
- Gérard Rinaldi : secondary characters
- :Dubbing artistic direction: Michel Trouillet
- Episode 1 C.L.Y.D.E. Makes An Entrance
- *Originally Released: September 13, 1990
- *Characters: C.L.Y.D.E., Matt, Samantha, Alberto
- *Plot:
- Episode 2 Treasure Of Sesemar
- *Originally Released: September 20, 1990
- *Characters: C.L.Y.D.E., Matt, Samantha, Alberto, Egypto-Bugs, Glyph
- *Plot:
- Episode 3 Rock On
- *Originally Released: September 20, 1990
- *Characters: C.L.Y.D.E., Matt, Samantha, Alberto, Lance Eagle, Joey Diamond
- *Plot:
- Episode 4 C.L.Y.D.E. And The Poison Pen
- *Originally Released: September 27, 1990
- *Characters: C.L.Y.D.E., Matt, Samantha, Alberto, Oliver Twitch
- *Plot:
- Episode 5 Bad Dreams
- *Originally Released: September 27, 1990
- *Characters: C.L.Y.D.E., Matt, Samantha, Alberto, Brian
- *Plot:
- Episode 6 Alien Brain Drain
- *Originally Released: October 4, 1990
- *Characters: C.L.Y.D.E., Matt, Samantha, Alberto, Boss, Dross, Waldorf Allcash
- *Plot:
- Episode 7 The Diabolical Dr. Hacker
- *Originally Released: October 11, 1990
- *Characters: C.L.Y.D.E., Matt, Samantha, Alberto, Travis Bulba, Monstro
- *Plot:
- Episode 8 C.L.Y.D.E. Lends A Hand
- *Originally Released: October 18, 1990
- *Characters: C.L.Y.D.E., Matt, Samantha, Alberto, Funny Bunnies, Billy Tyrrell, Silly Squirrel
- *Plot:
- Episode 9 Shoot-out at The High Noon Corral
- *Originally Released: October 25, 1990
- *Characters: C.L.Y.D.E., Matt, Samantha, Alberto
- *Plot:
- Episode 10 Shorty, The Short Order Cook
- *Originally Released: November 1, 1990
- *Characters: C.L.Y.D.E., Matt, Samantha, Alberto, Shorty, Ruby
- *Plot:
- Episode 11 The Phantom Plane
- *Originally Released: November 8, 1990
- *Characters: C.L.Y.D.E., Matt, Samantha, Alberto, Magnolia de Gouza, General Kastakas
- *Plot:
- Episode 12 C.L.Y.D.E. And Seek
- *Originally Released: November 15, 1990
- *Characters: C.L.Y.D.E., Matt, Samantha, Alberto
- *Plot:
- Episode 13 The Perilous Polar Plot
- *Originally Released: November 22, 1990
- *Characters: C.L.Y.D.E., Matt, Samantha, Alberto, King Cool
- *Plot:
- Episode 14 Al's Big Cook-off
- *Originally Released: December 6, 1990
- *Characters: C.L.Y.D.E., Matt, Samantha, Alberto, Ruby, Chef Gustav, Quizmaster
- *Plot:
- Episode 15 Super Matt
- *Originally Released: December 13, 1990
- *Characters: C.L.Y.D.E., Matt, Samantha, Alberto, Super Kidd, Dr. Diamond
- *Plot:
- Episode 16 Captain Omen
- *Originally Released: December 20, 1990
- *Characters: C.L.Y.D.E., Matt, Samantha, Alberto, Captain Omen
- *Plot:
- Episode 17 A Chip Off The Old C.L.Y.D.E.
- *Originally Released: December 27, 1990
- *Characters: C.L.Y.D.E., Matt, Samantha, Alberto
- *Plot:
- Episode 18 The Princess C.L.Y.D.E.
- *Originally Released: December 27, 1990
- *Characters: C.L.Y.D.E., Matt, Samantha, Alberto, Ruby
- *Plot:
- Episode 19 Painting by Numbers
- *Originally Released: January 3, 1991
- *Characters:
- *Plot:
- Episode 20 Felony Fair
- *Originally Released: January 1991
- *Characters: C.L.Y.D.E., Matt, Samantha, Alberto, Tom Bell, Robotic Animals, Inspector Bone
- *Plot:
- Episode 21 Heavy Weather
- *Originally Released: January 10, 1991
- *Characters: C.L.Y.D.E., Matt, Samantha, Alberto, Corsican Brothers, Professor Storm
- *Plot:
- Episode 22 King Klang
- *Originally Released: January 17, 1991
- *Characters: C.L.Y.D.E., Matt, Samantha, Alberto, Ruby, J.C. Crassburger, Rita Romero
- *Plot:
- Episode 23 No Place Like Home
- *Originally Released: February 7, 1991
- *Characters: C.L.Y.D.E., Matt, Samantha, Alberto, Professor Gordon
- *Plot:
- Episode 24 Bird Bandits
- *Originally Released: February 1991
- *Characters: C.L.Y.D.E., Matt, Samantha, Alberto, Rosa
- *Plot:
- Episode 25 Get That C.L.Y.D.E.!
- *Originally Released: February 14, 1991
- *Characters: C.L.Y.D.E., Matt, Samantha, Alberto, X28
- *Plot:
- Episode 26 Double Trouble
- *Originally Released: February 14, 1991
- *Characters: C.L.Y.D.E., Matt, Samantha, Alberto, Alberto's Look-Alike, Waldorf Allcash, Le Ratt
- *Plot: