CBS Storybreak

CBS Storybreak is a Saturday morning anthology television series that originally aired on the CBS network from 1985 to 1989. Hosted by Bob Keeshan, the episodes are half-hour animated adaptations of children's books published at the time of airing, including How to Eat Fried Worms. Other episodes included Dragon's Blood and Ratha's Creature. The show grew out of a feature on Keeshan's Captain Kangaroo series.
Unique for an American television series, the series featured open captions captioned by The Caption Center for the hearing impaired during its 1993 reairing, instead of the usual closed captioning. In addition to being a convenience for the hearing-impaired, this also allowed those who could hear to read along with the story.
The episodes were produced by Australia's Southern Star Productions and America's Hanna-Barbera Australia for CBS Entertainment Productions.
One of its crew members, Sander Schwartz, became the president of Warner Bros. Animation in 2002.
Select episodes were released on home video in 1992 under the title Video Storybreak.
CBS' first in-house cartoon series since their original Terrytoons, it was nominated for an Emmy for Outstanding Animated Program in the 1985–1986 season. It continued in reruns until 1988 and returned to air in reruns from the 1993–94 season to 1997–98 season.


Season 1 (1985)

Season 2 (1985)

Season 3 (1987–1989)

International syndication