CD USA, which debuted in 2006, is an American music television show which aired exclusively on DirecTV's Audience network in the United States. The show is an American version of , a similarly themed music show on ITV in the UK. Its hosts are John Wynn, Becky Baeling, and formerly, Jonathan Redford. Malikha Mallette also does occasional New York City interviews. CD USA is similar to American Bandstand in many ways.
The show is also currently broadcast in Southeast Asia, on the Channel V music network.


On December 31, 2006, CD USA presented its first live special, a 4½ hour concert titled America's Party: Live from Fremont Street Las Vegas on CD USA. Appearing artists in that special included All American Rejects, Rock Star Supernova, OK GO, Five for Fighting, Chicago and Smash Mouth.

Artists who have performed on ''CD USA''