Cañas District

Cañas District is a district and village in the canton of Cañas, Guanacaste Province in Costa Rica.
The district has a population of about 23,800 people.


Administrative center of the district is the town of Cañas.
Other villages in the district are Albania, Ángeles, Cantarrana, Castillo, Cueva, Miravalles, San Cristóbal, San Martín, San Pedro, Unión. And their villages are Cedros, Cepo Concepción, Corobicí, Correntadas, Hotel, Jabilla Abajo, Jabilla Arriba, Libertad, Montes de Oro, Paso Lajas, Pueblo Nuevo, Sandillal, San Isidro, Santa Lucía and Vergel.
