
Caenorhabditis is a genus of nematodes which live in bacteria-rich environments like compost piles, decaying dead animals and rotting fruit. The name comes from Greek: caeno- ; rhabditis = rod-like. In 1900, Maupas initially named the species Rhabditis elegans, Osche placed it in the subgenus Caenorhabditis in 1952, and in 1955, Dougherty raised Caenorhabditis to the status of genus.
The genus Caenorhabditis contains the noted model organism Caenorhabditis elegans and several other species for which a genome sequence is either available or currently being determined. The two most-studied species in this genus are both androdioecious whereas most other species are gonochoristic.
C. elegans is the type species of the genus.


Caenorhabditis occupy various nutrient and bacteria rich environments. They do not form self-sustaining populations in soil, as it lacks enough organic matter. Juvenile worms and also dauer larvae can be transported by invertebrates including millipedes, insects, isopods, and gastropods. Some species also appear to be associated with vertebrates including zebu cattle, although the nature of this association is not clear. The species can be classified as 'phoretic' or 'necromenic' based on their relationships to their invertebrate hosts. A phoretic worm rides on the host until it finds a favorable environment, and then leaves. A necromenic worm waits for the host to die, and lives on the bacteria which thrive in the dead animal. Many species are capable of both phoretic and necromenic lifestyles.


There are about 50 known species in this genus, some of them have not been named for the moment. Based on ITS2 sequence comparison, these can be grouped like this:
The Caenorhabditis species group with the 'Protorhabditis' group, containing species in the genera Protorhabditis, Diploscapter and Prodontorhabditis, on the one hand, and with Oscheius species, on the other hand, to form the 'Eurhabditis' group of Rhabditidae genera.