Califórnia da Canção Nativa

Califórnia da Canção Nativa is a yearly regional music festival in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, the southernmost state of Brazil.
The event first took place in 1971 and continues to be very successful to this day. The main focus of this festival is the celebration of the nativist Gaucho culture, values, world outlook, and history by way of music and song. The highest prize is the Calhandra de Ouro. Competition finals are always hosted by the city of Uruguaiana.
Given its three decades-long successful history, the festival has become very popular and has received many accolades, including the prestigious official recognition, classifying it as one of the great statewide cultural institutions.

Winning compositions

This list, up to and including the year of 1999, has been widely cited as to have appeared in an official festival publication called Livro de Poemas Oficial da XXX Califórnia da Canção Nativa.
