California Joe (film)
California Joe is a 1943 American Western film directed by Spencer Gordon Bennet and written by Norman S. Hall. The film stars Don "Red" Barry, Wally Vernon, Helen Talbot, Twinkle Watts, Brian O'Hara and Terry Frost. The film was released on December 29, 1943, by Republic Pictures.Plot
- Don "Red" Barry as Lieutenant Joe Weldon
- Wally Vernon as Tumbleweed Smith
- Helen Talbot as Judith Carteret
- Twinkle Watts as Twinkle Potter
- Brian O'Hara as Delancey Carteret
- Terry Frost as Melborne Tommy Atkinson
- LeRoy Mason as Breck Colton
- Edward Earle as Colonel Burgess
- Charles King as Henchman Ashley
- Pierce Lyden as Henchman Harper
- Edmund Cobb as Henchman
- Karl Hackett as Telegrapher Potter
- Bob Kortman as Henchman