Cambria Heights Academy

Cambria Heights Academy or Cambria Heights Academy for New Literacies or Q326 is a secondary school in Queens, New York City, United States, serving grades 9 through 12. It is in New York City Schools Geographic District 29.


Cambria Heights Academy is named after the area of Queens that it serves, Cambria Heights.


The school has a student population of 370. Of those, 55% are male and 45% are female. The ethnic makeup of the school is 10% Hispanic or Latino, 15% Asian, 72% African-American, and 2% White.


The school opened in 2010 under the current principal, Melissa Menake. The school's dress code is "solid-colored, collared shirt; black, blue or khaki dress pants/skirt; black or brown belt; solid black shoes/sneakers."