Canada's Worst Driver Ever

Canada's Worst Driver Ever was the ninth season of the Canadian reality TV show Canada's Worst Driver, which aired on the Discovery Channel. As with previous years, eight people, nominated by their family or friends, enter the Driver Rehabilitation Centre to improve their driving skills. This season brought back nine former contestants, who were either named Canada's Worst Driver or failed to graduate in the final episode of their respective seasons, giving them one more chance to improve their driving and avoid being named Canada's Worst Driver Ever. This year, the Driver Rehabilitation Centre is located at the now-defunct Dunnville Airport in Dunnville, Ontario for the fourth straight season. The initial drive started in Thorold, Ontario and the final road test occurred in Hamilton, Ontario.


This season saw nine former contestants returning from previous seasons. However, it also has the fewest graduates so far with only four. Six of them returned with their original nominators and two joined with new nominators, while Chris returned without a nominator with him. The only season to see no contestants returning is Canada's Worst Driver 4.

Episode 0: Remember...

Host Andrew Younghusband introduces each of the returning drivers through a review of their performances during the final road test in their original appearances. At the end of the episode, he briefly outlines the challenges that they will face and restates his personal belief that Angelina is Canada's Worst Driver Ever, though says that he is willing to be proven wrong.

Episode 1: They're Back!

The drivers then have their initial meeting with the experts. Michael asks Philippe to go over the footage of his slalom spin-out with him and Philippe tells him his mistake was driving too fast and not looking where he wanted to go, instead directly staring at the foam people. Sly is also called out for making the same mistake in his run. Henrietta admits that since Andy retired shortly after Canada's Worst Driver 2 aired, he usually drives the couple everywhere and she doesn't usually drive more than a dozen times per year. Shelby thinks he might be Canada's Worst Driver Ever; Andrew tells him that he probably isn't that bad, but that he could still benefit from more rehab. The remaining drivers all deny that they may be Canada's Worst Driver Ever. Due to the exceptionally awful performances by most of the drivers, the experts agree to graduate one person immediately so as to give the remainder their full attention and very quickly decide on Chris. However, Cam raises the issue that Henrietta would not realistically benefit from rehab, since she drives so rarely and that they would be better served sending her home, graduating Chris and focusing on the remaining seven. Ultimately, Andrew gives Henrietta her license back, after which Andy drives her away. Andrew then further surprises the drivers by announcing that Chris, clearly the most skilled of the group, goes from being the first-ever worst driver to the first graduate.
Note: This episode did not display an opening title screen or broadcast the opening animation.

Episode 2: Where's Your Blind Spot?

Angelina has a lengthy discussion with the judges and admits that she is no longer on anti-depressants due to her original psychiatrist having retired and her being unable to find another in Sudbury. Shyamala tells Angelina that while she can't prescribe drugs, she can help her deal with her issues and Angelina agrees to as many therapy sessions as it'll take. Along with Angelina, Sly, Dale and Kevin all admit that there's no way they'll be graduating this episode, as they didn't pass a single challenge between them. This leaves Michael, Shelby and Shirley, who each had some degree of success in each challenge this episode, as the pool of potential graduates. Despite all three wanting to graduate, the judges decide that there is no need whatsoever for a discussion; Shirley, who was regarded as the most capable driver of the group even before rehab and the only driver who fully passed every challenge this episode, becomes the next graduate, with Andrew describing her as "inspirational" and saying that his only regret is that she can't be around longer.
Note: This episode did not display an opening title screen or broadcast the opening animation.

Episode 3: Splish-Splash!

The experts tell Dale that she actually failed her second run on the Swerve and Avoid and Dale admits she truly believed she saw the foam car, which Shyamala feels could be a sign of a more serious overall problem. None of the drivers want to graduate, but the experts decide to draw up a shortlist anyway. Despite it being noted that Michael and Kevin did well in the Limo Figure-Eight Challenge, Cam persuades the others that the Swerve and Avoid is such an important skill that anyone who failed it should automatically be barred from graduating this episode, which makes Shelby the only nominee by default as he was the only one to pass the challenge. In the end, Andrew tells Shelby that he has been the best performer until now and that the experts could have seen a case for him graduating this episode, but since he said he didn't want to, he'll stay in rehab and so will everyone else.
Note: This episode did not display an opening title screen or broadcast the opening animation.

Episode 4: Easy as 1-2-3

After the challenge ends, Shyamala takes Angelina aside and gently tells her that, one way or another, her time on the show is over. Angelina is further told that she has been booked a 60-day stay at a specialist psychiatric clinic and is initially indignant about this, but ultimately accepts the offer, in part due to the strong implication that she will simply be expelled from rehab if she refuses the treatment, which would have made her the third contestant to be expelled from rehab and the second by the experts. Angelina thus leaves the show in a taxi, as a tearful Christine waves her goodbye. However, Angelina's departure is not the only issue facing the judges, as it's also clear that Yolanda's excessive negativity and unrealistic expectations are proving detrimental to Michael's learning. Andrew tells Michael that Eric's health has sufficiently improved for him to take over from Yolanda as nominator, while Yolanda's has been failing due to pulled muscles sustained in the first episode; Michael tells the judges that while he'd be grateful to have Eric around again, he also thinks that allowing him to graduate this episode would resolve the issue without requiring Eric to be brought to rehab. Kevin is the only other driver who shows any desire to graduate, though he quickly retracts his request and says that he'd benefit more from staying in rehab ; the remaining drivers all admit they don't deserve to graduate. Ultimately, the experts decide to deny Michael's request to graduate and all five stay in rehab. Andrew closes out the episode by saying that Angelina isn't really Canada's Worst Driver Ever and that, unfortunately, her problems go far beyond a simple lack of skill at the wheel. Before the credits, the show listed details of support available for those suffering depression and other mental health issues.
Note: This episode did not display an opening title screen or broadcast the opening animation.

Episode 5: They Shoot! They Score!

After the challenge, Kevin sends another letter to the experts, again apologizing for his actions and vowing to improve. However, this time, the experts don't buy it for a minute and demand to know Kevin's motives in sending them the two letters. Despite his performance in the episode, Kevin feels that he has learned enough to graduate, but the experts tell him that, based simply on his dreadful performance in the previous challenge, he has officially blown whatever goodwill he earned in the previous two episodes and that they are now less inclined to graduate him than they ever had been during that span. Dale, Shelby and Sly once again admit that they shouldn't graduate and while Michael says that he wants to graduate, he doesn't think he really deserves to. As the drivers assemble for what would have been the graduation ceremony, Andrew says that the overall standard of driving in this episode was the worst in the entire history of the show. For the second episode in a row, Michael is the only nominee, but even then, Andrew says that the experts refused to even contemplate graduating him given that he only did especially well in the first challenge, leaving Michael visibly exasperated. For the first time in the show's history, three consecutive episodes pass without a single graduation.

Episode 6: Slip and Slide

Kevin thinks he deserves to graduate, but the experts and Lenny quickly shoot him down, telling him that one comparatively good challenge result isn't worthy of graduating. Shelby and Michael both say they'd like to graduate, but are uncertain whether or not they should actually do so. Meanwhile, Dale and Sly are told that the experts don't believe they will ever improve and that both should give up driving sooner rather than later, but they are both adamant they will continue to drive even if named Canada's Worst Driver Ever. Once again, Shelby and Michael are the nominees. While Cam favours Michael for doing well in the Icy Corner challenge, the one he feels is most likely to save a life in the real world, the other experts all agree that Michael's mistake on his final Reverse Flick run was such a severe error that he should be barred from graduating. Therefore, Shelby, who would have graduated in the fifth episode of Canada's Worst Driver 3 if Dr. Gembora hadn't convinced Phillipe, Cam, Andrew and then-head instructor Scott Marshall to graduate Billie-Jean Leslie, believing that Shelby would benefit more from staying in rehab longer, becomes only the third graduate of the season and the first of the runners-up to successfully do so. As Shelby and Elerick drive away, Michael, who officially joins Canada's Worst Driver 4 "winner" Ashley van Ham as the only contestants in Canada's Worst Driver history with the most nominations in a single season without graduating, is left increasingly despondent and wondering whether he'll ever graduate.
Note: This episode did not display an opening title screen or broadcast the opening animation.

Episode 7: What Happened?

In the customary meeting with the experts, Sly immediately admits that despite a rare challenge pass, he's destined for the final. Kevin initially wants to graduate, but quickly withdraws his request upon Andrew pointing out that he failed every single challenge this episode. Michael admits he didn't do especially well this episode, though doesn't think he's Canada's Worst Driver Ever. Dale, however, fails to show up for her meeting with the experts and, upon further investigation by the production team, it turns out that immediately after the Slalom Challenge, she checked out of the drivers' hotel and caught a cab ride home. Much later, Dale returns sporting a heavily bandaged left hand and reveals that she has severed a tendon in one of her fingers. The experts ask how it happened and Dale initially claims not to remember, but, on further questioning, reveals that upon returning home, she found that her husband, John, was not there and, in frustration, broke the front door window in an attempt to get in the house, severely cutting her hand and severing the tendon in the process. Dale attempts to claim that her actions weren't really a big deal, but Andrew points out that she attempted to quit the show, resulting in Dale giving the experts a rambling, incomprehensible speech about "personal realities" and how she sometimes exists in a different world to everyone else, causing the experts to point out that, aside from the obvious problem of her hand injury-- which will take months to heal-- making it impossible for her to continue, it now becomes painfully clear that Dale is not mentally competent to drive and they unanimously recommend that she give up driving, an idea Dale scoffs at and says that she will continue to drive until she is no longer physically able to. Because of her attempting to quit and refusing to take responsibility for her actions, the experts decide not to even afford Dale a medical-based departure-- they afforded one for Angelina three episodes earlier, with the alternative being that Angelina would be expelled otherwise-- and instead simply expel her from rehab, with Cam even implying an intention to contact the Ontario Ministry of Transport and ask that Dale's driver's license be put up for review. At what would have been the penultimate graduation ceremony, Andrew shocks the drivers by appearing to destroy Dale's driver's license, but reveals that what he actually destroyed was just a copy and hands the real license over to Danny, who agrees to drive Dale back home, setting the stage for an all-male finale, as Andrew announces that either Kevin, Michael or Sly will be Canada's Worst Driver Ever. During the preview at the end of the show, however, it was revealed that Dale had returned for the final graduation ceremony, leaving viewers to question whether Cam carried out his threat of contacting the Ontario Ministry of Transport to ask them for a review of Dale's license or if Dale is named Canada's Worst Driver Ever.

Episode 8: The Envelope, Please!

In his final meeting with the judges, Kevin gives a rather unconvincing answer when asked if he intends to follow through with his promise of quitting driving, prompting Andrew to call in Lenny, who in turn reveals that Kevin told him he would only temporarily give up driving and take lessons to improve his skills, leaving the experts disconcerted by Kevin's actions and Lenny is shown a video of Kevin's final drive to show just how unfit to drive he is. Michael is convinced that he is not the worst, while Sly admits that, despite his road test performance, he honestly doesn't believe he is a better driver than Kevin or Michael. In the final discussion as to who is the worst, Shyamala and Philippe make a shocking suggestion-- that despite having been expelled the previous episode, Dale should still be named Canada's Worst Driver Ever, for not even participating in the final challenges and road test and her unstable behaviour during both her stints in rehab. Andrew and Cam believe that Kevin is worse, however, with Cam noting that he had a serious accident within the past year and that, for all her faults, Dale hasn't had any such serious accidents in recent years, leaving Tim with the deciding vote. As Kevin, Michael and Sly assemble for the trophy presentation, a van pulls up and Dale gets out, surprising Michael, who "didn't see that coming." Andrew begins by announcing that Michael is not Canada's Worst Driver Ever and returns his license to him. As Michael and Eric drive away, Andrew's voiceover notes that while he still has a lot of improving to do, Michael is clearly a much better driver now than in his original appearance and definitely not Canada's Worst Driver Ever. History then repeats itself, as Sly's strong final drive manages to override his horrible track record in the contest and saves him from being named the worst. Due to his poor overall performance and the fact that he ultimately showed no improvement over his previous appearance, however, Andrew asks Fred to drive Sly home, while recommending that Sly only drive when absolutely necessary from now on. Despite believing she will be named the worst, history repeats itself for Dale as well, as she avoids the title due to the experts feeling she was a little more aware of the dangers of driving than Kevin and Cam predicting that her license will soon be revoked anyway. Kevin, therefore, is named the outright worst this time and Andrew presents him with the trophy, then lights a road flare and asks Kevin to use it to destroy his license. Kevin initially refuses to do so, but Lenny forces him to go through with it and the license is completely burned away by the flare, after which Lenny drives Kevin away. In an ending voiceover, Andrew reveals that while Kevin hasn't driven since the show was filmed, he has acquired a new car.