Canadian Neonatal Network

The Canadian Neonatal Network is an organization composed of neonatologists and neonatal health professionals from across Canada. The network was created in 1995 by Dr. Shoo Kim Lee, and currently its steering committee is composed of Drs. Keith Barrington, Aaron Chiu, Kim Dow, Jonathan Hellmann, Bruno Piedboeuf, Molly Seshia, Prakesh Shah and Wendy Yee. Sandy Maksimowska currently holds the position of CNN Project Coordinator.


The CNN was recognized in 2004 by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research with their "CIHR Knowledge Translation Award". In the award citation, the CIHR described the CNN as "the archetype of the knowledge translation network in Canada."


Canadian hospitals with tertiary NICUs can become institutional members, and individuals with research background in neonatology are welcomed to apply. All applications are screened through a steering committee.

Participating hospitals