Cannibal squeeze

Cannibal squeeze or suicide squeeze is a type of squeeze in bridge or whist, in which a defender is squeezed by a card played by his partner. Normally, this occurs with less-than-perfect defense, but there are also legitimate positions where the defense could not have prevailed.


West is on lead. If he cashes the high heart, a club is thrown from the dummy, and East is squeezed. Whichever card East discards, the declarer will take two tricks in that suit. Instead, West must lead a diamond to protect the partner from subsequent endplay.
The most common position for a legitimate suicide squeeze occurs when a side suit is "tangled", and another suit is protected by the partner of the player on lead, as in the following diagram:
West is to lead; if he leads a diamond, it will "untangle" the suit for the declarer. However, when he leads the high heart, he induces a simple squeeze on his partner, who must either discard the high 7 or unguard the diamond king..