Canton of La Vallée de l'Agly

The canton of La Vallée de l'Agly is an administrative division of the Pyrénées-Orientales department, in southern France. It was created at the French canton reorganisation which came into effect in March 2015. Its seat is in Rivesaltes.
It consists of the following communes:
  1. Ansignan
  2. Arboussols
  3. Bélesta
  4. Campoussy
  5. Caramany
  6. Cases-de-Pène
  7. Cassagnes
  8. Caudiès-de-Fenouillèdes
  9. Espira-de-l'Agly
  10. Estagel
  11. Felluns
  12. Fenouillet
  13. Fosse
  14. Lansac
  15. Latour-de-France
  16. Lesquerde
  17. Maury
  18. Montner
  19. Opoul-Périllos
  20. Pézilla-de-Conflent
  21. Planèzes
  22. Prats-de-Sournia
  23. Prugnanes
  24. Rabouillet
  25. Rasiguères
  26. Rivesaltes
  27. Saint-Arnac
  28. Saint-Martin-de-Fenouillet
  29. Saint-Paul-de-Fenouillet
  30. Salses-le-Château
  31. Sournia
  32. Tarerach
  33. Tautavel
  34. Trévillach
  35. Trilla
  36. Vingrau
  37. Vira
  38. Le Vivier