Capys of Dardania

In Roman and Greek mythology, Capys was a king of Dardania during the Iliad and Aeneid.


He was the son of Assaracus by either Hieromneme or Clytodora. Capys succeeded his father as king over the Dardanians and married a Hieromneme or his cousin Themiste, the daughter of Ilus, founder of Troy. With her, he fathered Anchises and Acoetes. The former son who was a handsome lad later become the beloved of the goddess Aphrodite and the father of the famous Aeneas while the latter one, became the father of the priest Laocoon. In some versions of the myth, Capys was the brother of Ganymede while his mother Hieromneme was also called his wife.


Capys or a different Capys, founded the city of Capua.

Family tree