Carol Denise McNair

Carol Denise McNair, born to Chris and Maxine McNair. She was one of the victims of the 16th Street Baptist Church bombing. She attended Central Street Elementary School. She was a member of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church which was bombed, killing her and Carole Robertson, Addie Collins and Cynthia Wesley on September 15, 1963. At the age of 11, She was the youngest of the four girls killed by white Kkk members. Carole Robertson, Addie Mae Collins, & Cynthia Wesley were all 14. She received a joint funeral with Addie Mae and Cynthia, with over 8,000 people coming to show their respect. The eulogy was delivered by Martin Luther King Jr. Carol is buried in Elmwood Cemetery, separate from the other three girls.


To memorialize the lives of the four girls, Joan Baez recorded "Birmingham Sunday". Spike Lee produced a documentary, released in 1997, called 4 Little Girls. In Kelly Ingram Park, there is a steel and bronze statue of the four girls across from the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church.
The church has been made a National Historic Landmark.
All four victims were awarded Congressional Gold Medals by former President Obama in 2013.