Carolina University of Theology

Carolina University of Theology or CUT is a private Christian university located in Manassas, Virginia, United States offering accredited theological degrees by distance learning. It is an affiliate and educational outreach ministry of 'Reconciliation Community Church' of the same locality.

Mission statement

The mission of Carolina University of Theology is to provide continued educational programs to students who fall into two categories: Those are unable to attend full-time classes on campus. This can be accomplished through the University's home study/online programs. Those who are able to attend on campus classes twice a week.


Carolina University of Theology was founded by Dr. Gene Thompson of Iron Station, North Carolina in 1990-91.

Academic programs

Carolina University of Theology offers the following unaccredited degree programs.
Bachelor of Biblical Studies
Master of Christian Education
Master of Christian Counseling Psychology
Master of Ministry
Master of Theology
Doctor of Christian Education
Doctor of Christian Counseling Psychology
Doctor of Ministry
Doctor of Theology


Carolina University of Theology, In pursuant to 8 VAC 40-31-50 of the Virginia Administrative Code has been granted religious exemption from the Commonwealth of Virginia State Council of Higher Education For Virginia/SCHEV's regulations and is authorized as a degree granting institution. Carolina University is unaccredited by any accreditation body recognized by CHEA or the USDE. Degrees from this school therefore lack utility in use for transfer to other university.

Notable alumni