Casa del Labrador

The Casa del Labrador is a neoclassical palace in Aranjuez, Spain. The name means "house of the farm labourer", although it was intended for royal use. A relatively small building, it was designed to complement the Royal Palace, providing a place for the royal family to spend the day without some of the customary restrictions of court life.


The initial design was by the royal architect, Juan de Villanueva for King Charles IV.
A cartouche on the facade gives the date as 1803.
The work was completed by Isidro González Velázquez.


The French designer Jean-Démosthène Dugourc, who entered Charles IV's service after the French Revolution broke out, made an important contribution to the interior decorations.
The marble floors incorporate some Roman mosaics found in Merida.
There are murals by Zacarías González Velázquez.

Access and conservation

The Casa del Labrador is set in gardens called the Jardín del Príncipe bordering the River Tagus.
The gardens have been designated a Jardín Histórico and access is free of charge. There is a charge to visit the building, which is in the care of Patrimonio Nacional.
In 1993 the building was listed on the Spanish heritage register as a Bien de Interés Cultural under the name "Casita del Labrador". Since 2001 it has been conserved as part of a World Heritage Site, the Aranjuez Cultural Landscape.

Related properties

There are similar properties near other royal palaces in the Madrid area.
This building was designed for Charles IV before he became king.