Casey Plett

Casey Plett is a Canadian writer.


Plett was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba and grew up in a Mennonite family in Morden, Manitoba. She attended high school in Eugene, Oregon and later moved to Portland for College and New York for graduate school. She currently lives in Windsor, Ontario.
Plett previously wrote a regular column about her gender transition for McSweeney's Internet Tendency. She is a book reviewer for the Winnipeg Free Press and has published work in Rookie, Plenitude, The Walrus, and Two Serious Ladies.
In addition to her work as an author she is the co-editor with Cat Fitzpatrick of Meanwhile, Elsewhere: Science Fiction and Fantasy from Transgender Writers, an anthology of speculative fiction from trans authors from Topside Press. Meanwhile, Elsewhere received a Stonewall Book Award in 2018. She has cited Imogen Binnie, Elena Rose, and Julia Serano as some of her influences.
