Casimiro Radice

Casimiro Radice was an Italian painter.


He was self-educated as a painter and by the 1870s began to paint in the town of Galbiate, painting both sacred and genre subjects, in both fresco and oil.
In 1881, at Milan, he exhibited La visita alla nutrice. In 1883, he displayed Supplizio di Tantalo and Cestello di fiori. In 1884, at the National Exhibition of Turin, he displayed Fior di primavera and Non ti scordar di me.
A number of ex-voto paintings in churches around Milan have been attributed to Radice of followers of his style.
He painted portrait of the first syndicate of Galbiate, now found in the city hall; a Martyrdom of St Agnese and other elements for the prepositurale church of San Agnese in Olginate. After the 1870s, he concentrated on genre scenes of rural and rustic countryside, including Interno of the cascina La Costa dove ebbe il primo nutrimento Alessandro Manzoni ; La festa campestre di San Michele presso Galbiate - versante di Lecco ; La villa S. Bernardino a Galbiate dopo un temporale ; Ritorno dalla filanda.