
Caspio is a privately held global software company headquartered in Santa Clara, California with offices in Ukraine, Poland and the Philippines. Founded by Frank Zamani in 2000, Caspio provides non-technical business professionals with the ability to create their own database-centric web applications without coding.

Company History

Caspio Founder and CEO Frank Zamani worked as a Microsoft developer in the late 1990s. His vision was to enable organizations to build custom cloud applications with ease, and in a fraction of the time and cost versus traditional software development.
“What I wanted to do was build a tool for business users to create their own applications without coding,” Zamani said. “At that time, a lot of people said it couldn’t be done, but that wasn’t going to stop me.”
Today, Caspio powers more than 1 million applications in over 100 countries. Research projects the global low-code development platform market size to grow from US$4.32 Billion in 2017 to US$27.23 Billion by 2022, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate of 44.49% during the forecast period.

Company Milestones