CatDV is an asset manager program for handling multimedia production workflows.


CatDV is a scalable, cross-platform, multimedia asset database from UK-based software company, Square Box Systems Ltd. It handles a wide range of file types, with enhanced support for video content.
CatDV includes media analysis tools and automatic scene detection to extract the metadata inherent in most media files, together with support for importing and exporting edit decision lists and other video-oriented file formats.
The software works on Mac and Windows platforms and is designed to work as a librarian, logging and workflow improvement tool for non-linear editing systems.
The software provides a searchable catalogue for the large number of multimedia file types that exist, with log notes and thumbnails available using either on-line or off-line lower resolution proxy videos. The off-line file browsing facility enables re-use in multiple projects, especially when network connectivity or bandwidth issues apply.
CatDV can be used as a standalone regular desktop application or, for networked operation via the optional CatDV Server.


The full family of CatDV Products is as follows:
CatDV Standalone Products
CatDV Networked Products
CatDV won two awards in 2010, a blue ribbon from Creative COW Magazine and a "Best of Show Vidy Award" from Videography. In April 2012 Square Box won a Queen's Award for Enterprise for CatDV.