Caucus for Women in Statistics

The Caucus for Women in Statistics is a professional society for women in statistics. It was founded in 1971, following discussions in 1969 and 1970 at the annual meetings of the American Statistical Association, with Donna Brogan as its first president.


The purpose of the Caucus is to assist in teaching, hiring, and advancing the careers of women in statistics, removing barriers to women in statistics,
encourage the application of statistics to women's issues,
and improve the representation of women in professional organizations for statisticians.

Related organizations

The Caucus is "informally associated with the American Statistical Association" and is a "sister organization" to the Association for Women in Mathematics, which was founded at the same time as the Caucus.


The Caucus publishes a newsletter and organizes events at major statistical meetings.
Since 2001, its activities have also included jointly sponsoring the Florence Nightingale David Award with the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies. This is "the only international award in statistical sciences... that is restricted to women".


The presidents of the Caucus have included: