Cellular algebra

In abstract algebra, a cellular algebra is a finite-dimensional associative algebra A with a distinguished cellular basis which is particularly well-adapted to studying the representation theory of A.


The cellular algebras discussed in this article were introduced in a 1996 paper of Graham and Lehrer. However, the terminology had previously been used by Weisfeiler and Lehman in the Soviet Union in the 1960s, to describe what are also known as association schemes.


Let be a fixed commutative ring with unit. In most applications this is a field, but this is not needed for the definitions. Let also be a -algebra.

The concrete definition

A cell datum for is a tuple consisting of
and satisfying the following conditions:
  1. The image of is a -basis of.
  2. for all elements of the basis.
  3. For every, and every the equation
This definition was originally given by Graham and Lehrer who invented cellular algebras.

The more abstract definition

Let be an anti automorphism of -algebras with .
A cell ideal of w.r.t. is a two-sided ideal such that the following conditions hold:
  1. .
  2. There is a left ideal that is free as a -module and an isomorphism
A cell chain for w.r.t. is defined as a direct decomposition
into free -submodules such that
  1. is a two-sided ideal of
  2. is a cell ideal of w.r.t. to the induced involution.
Now is called a cellular algebra if it has a cell chain. One can show that the two definitions are equivalent. Every basis gives rise to cell chains and choosing a basis of every left ideal one can construct a corresponding cell basis for.


Polynomial examples

is cellular. A cell datum is given by and
A cell-chain in the sense of the second, abstract definition is given by

Matrix examples

is cellular. A cell datum is given by and
A cell-chain is given by
In some sense all cellular algebras "interpolate" between these two extremes by arranging matrix-algebra-like pieces according to the poset.

Further examples

Modulo minor technicalities all Iwahori–Hecke algebras of finite type are cellular w.r.t. to the involution that maps the standard basis as. This includes for example the integral group algebra of the symmetric groups as well as all other finite Weyl groups.
A basic Brauer tree algebra over a field is cellular if and only if the Brauer tree is a straight line.
Further examples include q-Schur algebras, the Brauer algebra, the Temperley–Lieb algebra, the Birman–Murakami–Wenzl algebra, the blocks of the Bernstein–Gelfand–Gelfand category of a semisimple Lie algebra.


Cell modules and the invariant bilinear form

Assume is cellular and is a cell datum for. Then one defines the cell module as the free -module with basis and multiplication
where the coefficients are the same as above. Then becomes an -left module.
These modules generalize the Specht modules for the symmetric group and the Hecke-algebras of type A.
There is a canonical bilinear form which satisfies
for all indices.
One can check that is symmetric in the sense that
for all and also -invariant in the sense that
for all,.

Simple modules

Assume for the rest of this section that the ring is a field. With the information contained in the invariant bilinear forms one can easily list all simple -modules:
Let and define for all. Then all are absolute simple -modules and every simple -module is one of these.
These theorems appear already in the original paper by Graham and Lehrer.

Properties of cellular algebras

Persistence properties

If is an integral domain then there is a converse to this last point:
  1. is cellular.
  2. and are cellular.
If one further assumes to be a local domain, then additionally the following holds:
Assuming that is a field and is cellular w.r.t. to the involution. Then the following hold
  1. is semisimple.
  2. is split semisimple.
  3. is simple.
  4. is nondegenerate.
  1. is quasi-hereditary.
  2. .
  3. All cell chains of have the same length.
  4. All cell chains of have the same length where is an arbitrary involution w.r.t. which is cellular.
  5. .